There are several reasons for this. Marginal electronics design. Small, poorly isolated enclosures. Measuring the temperature in the lid, rather than in the egg compartment.
So I decided to do something about this. Use a computer to measure the temperature inside the box. Let the same computer control the heat.
This program ties together these two functions. It uses Mr Big, a monitoring agent for the Xymon monitoring system, as a scheduler. This also means that the incubator can be configured, controlled and monitored from a central, remote location. If you have more than one incubator, they can all be controlled from the same place.
md C:\MrBig cd C:\MrBig unzip \path\to\archive.zipTo install and start the service, run the commands:
mrbig -i net start MrBigBy default the service is started automatically during system startup. This can be changed using the Services panel in Windows.
The following assumes that Mr Big was installed in C:\MrBig.
Create an empty directory C:\MrBig\Pickup.
Finally, unpack the Incubator archive and move the contents into C:\MrBig. It will create two subdirectories, X86 and X64, containing the Incubator application in 32-bit and 64-bit versions. It will also overwrite any existing mrbig.cfg file.
If you intend to use the 64-bit version, copy the file incubator64.exe from C:\MrBig\X64 to C:\MrBig. Otherwise copy the file incubator32.exe from C:\MrBig\X86 and update the command line in mrbig.cfg.
Installing Xymon is outside the scope of this instruction. You need a Linux or other Unix-alike. If you are using Ubuntu, type sudo apt-get install xymon. Then configure according to the documentation.
Graphing in Xymon is a bit of a mess. Nothing happens automatically; instead, you have to specify everything by editing several text files. Here's how.
First, edit hobbitserver.cfg. Append incubator=ncv to the TESTRRD line like this:
TEST2RRD="cpu=la,[...],incubator=ncv"And add a brand new line:
NCV_incubator="*:GAUGE"If you want to include the incubator temperature on the trends page, append incubator to the GRAPHS line:
GRAPHS="la,disk,[...],incubator"Save hobbitserver.cfg and restart Xymon.
/etc/init.d/hobbit restartAfter some time, the file incubator.rrd should appear in the xymon data directory. Example:
root@ubuntu:/var/lib/hobbit/rrd/lillbob# ls -l total 272 -rw-r--r-- 1 hobbit hobbit 38624 2012-02-19 12:19 disk,C.rrd -rw-r--r-- 1 hobbit hobbit 114560 2012-02-19 12:19 incubator.rrd -rw-r--r-- 1 hobbit hobbit 19640 2012-02-19 12:20 la.rrd -rw-r--r-- 1 hobbit hobbit 19640 2012-02-19 12:18 memory.real.rrd -rw-r--r-- 1 hobbit hobbit 19640 2012-02-19 12:18 memory.swap.rrd -rw-r--r-- 1 hobbit hobbit 19640 2012-02-19 12:18 procs.rrd -rw-r--r-- 1 hobbit hobbit 19640 2012-02-19 12:18 tcp.conn.rrd -rw-r--r-- 1 hobbit hobbit 19640 2012-02-19 12:18 users.rrdNow put this at the end of the file hobbitgraph.cfg:
[incubator] TITLE Incubator temperature YAXIS Degrees DEF:temperature=incubator.rrd:temperature:AVERAGE DEF:temptarget=incubator.rrd:temptarget:AVERAGE DEF:tempwarnhigh=incubator.rrd:tempwarnhigh:AVERAGE DEF:tempwarnlow=incubator.rrd:tempwarnlow:AVERAGE DEF:tempcrithigh=incubator.rrd:tempcrithigh:AVERAGE DEF:tempcritlow=incubator.rrd:tempcritlow:AVERAGE LINE2:temperature#000000:Temperature LINE2:temptarget#CCCCCC:Target temperature LINE2:tempwarnhigh#FFFF00:Warn high LINE2:tempwarnlow#FFFF00:Warn low LINE2:tempcrithigh#FF0000:Critical high LINE2:tempcritlow#FF0000:Critical lowYou should get a graph with a black line for the actual temperature, grey for the target temperature, yellow for the high/low warning temperatures and red for the high/low critical temperatures.
I am Ulric Eriksson, <>