## ## Makefile -- Build procedure for sample log_sdb Apache module ## Autogenerated via ``apxs -n log_sdb -g''. ## PACKAGE = mod_log_sdb VERSION = 0.08 SOURCES = mod_log_sdb.c create_table.sql DOCS = ChangeLog ChangeLog.sqlite README README.sqlite COPYING # the used tools APXS=apxs APACHECTL=apachectl # the default target all: mod_log_sdb.so mod_log_sdb.o: mod_log_sdb.c gcc -fpic -DSHARED_MODULE -I`apxs -q INCLUDEDIR` `sdb-config --cflags` -c mod_log_sdb.c # compile the DSO file mod_log_sdb.so: mod_log_sdb.o $(APXS) -c `sdb-config --libs` mod_log_sdb.o # install the DSO file into the Apache installation # and activate it in the Apache configuration install: all $(APXS) -i -a -n 'log_sdb' mod_log_sdb.so # cleanup clean: -rm -f *.o *.so # simple test test: reload lynx -mime_header http://localhost/log_sdb # reload the module by installing and restarting Apache reload: install restart # the general Apache start/restart/stop procedures start: $(APACHECTL) start restart: $(APACHECTL) restart stop: $(APACHECTL) stop dist: rm -rf $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION) mkdir $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION) cp $(SOURCES) Makefile $(DOCS) $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION) tar cf - $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION) | gzip > $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar.gz rm -rf $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)