How to make the function reference ---------------------------------- The function reference lives in the file siag-functions.html, which is generated automatically from specially formatted comments in the program source. This is done in two steps: 1. The program snarfdocs collects all the comments and creates one file for each function in a temporary directory. 2. The program snarfindex creates an index and copies all the temporary files into siag-functions.html. Snarfdocs is written in C. Snarfindex is a Bourne shell script. Here is the complete set of commands. Starting in this directory. (make snarfdocs rm -rf tmp mkdir tmp cd tmp cat ../../*.c ../../*.scm | ../snarfdocs ../snarfindex > ../siag-functions.html) (make snarfcmds rm -rf tmp mkdir tmp cd tmp cat ../../*.c ../../*.scm | ../snarfcmds ../cmdindex > ../siag-commands.html) Generate keys.html: ../../siod/siod keys.scm Generate commands.html: ../../siod/siod menus.scm