Installation: Install libsdb. See Get the proftpd source from Unpack the proftpd source. Copy mod_sql_sdb.c into proftpd's contrib directory. Run configure like this, noting the backticks and quotes: CFLAGS="`sdb-config --cflags`" \ LDFLAGS="`sdb-config --libs`" \ ./configure --with-modules=mod_sql:mod_sql_sdb Otherwise follow the installation instructions for proftpd as usual. The documentation for mod_sql is in the contrib directory and applies to mod_sql_sdb. --- Add these lines to proftpd.conf: #SQLConnectInfo Any sdb url, examples: SQLConnectInfo oracle:uid=ulric/password@orasol #SQLConnectInfo sqlite:db=/path/to/db SQLUserInfo ftpuser username password userid groupid homedir shell SQLMinID 1000 SQLMinUserGID 1000 SQLDefaultUID 1000 SQLAuthTypes Plaintext SQLAuthenticate users And create the user table like this: create table ftpuser ( username varchar(30) unique not null, password varchar(30) not null, userid integer, groupid integer, homedir varchar(255), shell varchar(255) ); Example user: insert into ftpuser values ('testuser','testpw',1000,1000,'/tmp','/bin/sh');