File Formats

Siag Office

Pathetic Writer


File Formats

Online Documentation

Pathetic Writer has support for several file formats.
Microsoft Word
Word documents up to and including version 8 can be loaded by using WV as an external converter.
Pathetic Writer
Native Pathetic Writer format, with support for formatting attributes (fonts, widths and so on). Very nice for Pathetic Writer documents, but totally incompatible with anything else.
Plain Text
Text without formatting information.
Pathetic Writer can output pretty decent Postscript code, with DSC comments and all to make the resulting files post-processable. Normally, this code goes straight to the printer or to Ghostview for previewing, but it can also be saved in a file. Pathetic Writer cannot load Postscript files.
Hypertext Markup Language
HTML as featured on the World Wide Web. Pathetic Writer can save and load documents in this format. Some effort is made to preserve the formatting so that the documents will look nice when they are viewed in a browser like Netscape or Chimera.
Rich Text Format
Documents can be saved in RTF format so that they can be opened in legacy Windows (TM) applications. News! Starting with 2.71, PW can also load RTF files.
Additional formats can be supported by using external converters.

Ulric Eriksson 2000-03-20