Step-by-step instructions for installing ucronadm and ucroncgi. 1. Install SSH See instructions that come with SSH. 2. Install Ucron Install ucron on the hosts that are to be managed. See instructions that come with Ucron. 3. Create user Create user ucronadm: useradd -m ucronadm su - ucronadm ssh-keygen -t rsa Do not specify a passphrase. Copy the generated .ssh/ to ~ucron/.ssh/authorized_keys2 on the managed hosts. Make sure that permissions are correct by trying it: ssh -l ucron managedhost You should get connected without a password. Now type: upload root * * * * * date ^D Check that root's ucrontab (in /opt/ucron/crontabs) was updated on the managed host. 4. Prepare the database The database must be prepared before crontabs can be stored. A single table holds all entries for all hosts and users. Another table holds the unique serial number stored in each row in the crontab table. This goes into a database of your liking, currently limited to the ones supported by libsdb. The file schema.sql can be used to create the tables. 5. Install Libsdb Unpack the sources, compile and install: gzip -cd sdb-X.Y.Z.tar.gz | tar xfv - cd sdb-X.Y.Z ./configure --help ./configure [options] # depends on choice of database make make install Check that you can connect to the database: sdb_client URL sdb> select * from crontab Return code: 0 6. Ucronadm Unpack the sources, compile and install: gzip -cd ucronadm-X.Y.Z.tar.gz | tar xfv - cd ucronadm-X.Y.Z Edit the Makefile to match the environment, esp. the URL. Adjust paths as appropriate. Then type: make make install This installs the command-line versions of the administration tools into /usr/local/bin (can be changed in the Makefile). Also built is a cgi program which is copied into the cgi-bin directory of a web server such as Apache (/usr/local/apache/cgi-bin by default). The web server must run as user ucronadm. It is also necessary that the client libraries (e.g. for Oracle) for the database can be found. How this is accomplished depends on the operating system and the database. 6. Try it out Play with ucronadm a bit; see man page. 7. Ucroncgi Bring up the web server page. The URL should be something like: http://localhost:port/cgi-bin/ucroncgi The functionality is the same as in ucronadm, but with an HTML interface.