Pen 0.9.4 released

From: Ulric Eriksson (
Date: Fri Jul 12 2002 - 01:43:01 CEST

This latest release has been tweaked ever so slightly to build on MacOS X.
Since MacOS X is really a bunch of stuff bolted on top of a BSD system,
the port consisted mostly of detecting the right set of headers.

There is also a new command to penctl:

libretto:~$ penctl localhost:12345 recent connects 1 sx 239 rx 157
libretto:~$ penctl localhost:12345 recent 10
libretto:~$ penctl localhost:12345 recent 100 connects 1 sx 368 rx 171

The command recent lists those clients that have connected recently,
default 300 seconds. For each client, it also lists number of connections,
sent and received bytes.


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