Re: Difference between "-c" and "-x"

From: Roberto Suarez Soto <>
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2008 17:15:48 +0100

        I've done my homework and perused the sources, as tradition advices :-)

El Viernes, 28 de Marzo de 2008, Roberto Suarez Soto escribió:

> So, does this mean that I have to recompile both pen and the kernel of the
> server where it's running to allow for (for example) 5000 simultaneous
> connections?

        It would be so if using select(), but it seems that using poll() this limit
is avoided. Unfortunately, the Debian packaged version of pen doesn't
use "--with-poll" when compiling, so I couldn't use it. I've recompiled the
package (also updating the upstream version in Debian, 0.15, to 0.17.2) and
enabled it.

        Consider it a "beta" version, but if you're interested you can download it
from here:

        I hope my belief on poll() is true, but I'd be very thankful if someone could
confirm that it should handle many more connections than select(). Thanks in

        Roberto Suarez Soto                             Allenta Consulting                         
                                                           +34 881 922 600
Received on Fri Mar 28 2008 - 17:15:57 CET

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