RE: Desired features?

From: Ulric Eriksson (
Date: Tue Apr 09 2002 - 21:46:00 CEST

On Tue, 9 Apr 2002, Brantley Hobbs wrote:

> So, just to be clear, this functionality for drainstopping will be
> available when your new release is ready? You would then just set the
> max connections to zero and pen will continue to allow "sticky" IP's to
> connect, but not connect any new IP's?


I have uploaded a "pre-release". Read the file CONTROL for a description
of the protocol. Currently there is no user interface, so the only way to
use it is to telnet straight into the control port and type commands.

> In your experience, would a 350 MHz P2 w/128MB RAM be capable of
> handling 500,000 hits per day?

Probably. It depends on network speed, the clients, file size and so on.
The best way to find out is to install it and then use a program which
generates the required load.


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